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Letterpress printed on Zerkall paper from linoleum, polymer plates, and metal type in an edition of 70. Produced in 2016 as a component of "Mapping the Cosmos", a Codex portfolio. This listing is for an artist proof.

roughly 12 x 16.5" when open, A4 when closed

This map was produced during a period of separation. I gathered the text from several of the many immigration forms that my husband and I have filled out and submitted over the last five years. This most recent visa application was approved, and we were reunited before printing was complete. I missed our son’s first birthday and his first few steps, but I am acutely aware that we are among the most fortunate of people, crossing borders with relative ease. So many others long for those they love without hope of such quick resolution. Families are separated by bureaucracy, lovers are separated by violence, people all over the world are separated by poverty, by malice, or by death. The simplicity of a line on a map does little to convey the impactful and often impenetrable nature of a national border.